Friday, December 26, 2008


A few very sweet moments from the last two days:
-singing Christmas carols at my parents' apartment
-having Vic and the children -- ALL of them, including Tim and Liz in their PJs -- walk into the bedroom on Christmas morning singing Happy Birthday
-an incredible interesting pile of 75 'cake balls' for my 53rd birthday cake -- very easy to serve! "Chocolate, vanilla, or citrus?" Plop - on the plate!
-family members liking the presents I made for them -- Ben's t-shirt quilt, my sisters' decorated gourds, my neice's barretts and cloth bags
-seeing Vic and the boys work together installing technology
-walking upstairs and finding out that Betsy had cleaned both bathrooms
-giving out my okra santa ornaments to friends
-enjoying my cleared-out work-room by having plenty of space to sew, do crafts with Emily Vastola, and set up an extra eating table for Christmas dinner

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